April Activities

By Drake & Morgan
On 27th March 2017


Beef during British Beef Week

For those meat lovers out there, and though there may be a lot of meat reducers around these daysthere are still plenty of us who love it. And what better way to celebrate our love of meat, and especially beef than during British Beef Week? Get stuck into our beef burgers, one of our succulent steaks or of course our epic Sunday roast (30th April) between 23rd April and 1st May – and forever really. De-lish.

Tamarind Kitchen

Soft launches are always a winner, because who doesn’t love eating for half the price really? Our latest excitement is Tamarind Kitchen, the casual sister of Tamarind Mayfair which was the first Indian restaurant in the UK to earn a Michelin star. So, put 4th – 6th April in your diary and get stuck into dialled up Indian street food in Wardour Street for 50% off. Have a browse of the menu here and trust me you’ll want to get booked in.



Cocktail specialist Matt Whiley is striking again on Great Eastern Street with Scout. Scout proves seasonal produce isn’t limited to food – the drinks list will change regularly and at any time will feature just ten cocktails, five beers, five ferments and some natural wine. If it’s not sustainable and it’s not seasonal it’s very unlikely to be on the menu – we like their style. It’s keeping quite secret but you can expect to see cocktails such as strawberry wine, gin lemon balm and whey and snacks such as pickled celeriac with truffle. The bar will open on 11th April.

Coffee until your heart is content

We don’t need much of an excuse as it is but both UK Coffee Week (10th – 16th April) and the London Coffee Festival (6th – 9th April) take place in April, so if ever there was a time to drink more coffee than normal now is it! Apart from anything else, during London Coffee Festival you can learn all about it, visit demonstrations and try signature drinks – it’s a week of heaven for super keen coffee lovers. And if the festival is a bit much, just do your part by drinking plenty of coffee in all our bars 😉


Your mates running in the marathon

Pick your favourite spot on the terrace at The Parlour or The Pagination and settle in for the day for the runners will be running right past you. If you want a drink close to but not right on the London Marathon track – The Refinery Bankside or The Folly is the one for you.  This year’s marathon takes place on Sunday 23rd April and, as always, is seriously good fun (for the bystanders not the runners, obvi).


Check out The Happenstance’s new home

We’re going for a walk! The Happenstance is relocating to 10 Paternoster Square. We closed our doors last night but will be returning on 24th April in our new home. C&B Paternoster Square closes tonight and we’ll be giving it a serious D&M makeover before we reopen your new Happenstance bar & restaurant with a serious of cracking opening offers. Sign up to our newsletter here to hear more.

Get fully involved in World Health Day

It tends to be about global health and raising awareness on widespread illnesses and other public health issues, but eating healthily has got to be a good way of getting involved as it ultimately affects many health problems. So why not show willing and get involved simply by ordering a side of greens that you wouldn’t normally, or swapping those chips for salad? Hold back on the pudding and go for some padron peppers to start instead – just the little things J

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