Charitable Causes

By Drake & Morgan
On 6th July 2016

Charles Dickens said that ‘no one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of another’. Drake & Morgan are very proud to support several; here’s a little bit about who we support, and how.



Now this really is a genius concept. Pennies is a digital charity box – no hassling emails and letters, no asking for huge donations – just click a button to add a few pennies to your bill when you pay by card, and the whole donation goes to charity. Through these individual donations of under £1, Pennies have raised £7 million for over 100 UK charities over 5 years.

Since we introduced Pennies to our bars & restaurants in 2012, our wonderfully generous customers have donated over £70,000 to good causes, just 50p at a time; from our long standing charities such as Movember and Mencap to campaigns such as the Save the Children Philippines Typhoon Appeal in 2013 and the Lord Mayor’s Appeal in 2015. You can find out a bit more about our partnership with Pennies right here and we can’t thank our customers enough for their continued generosity!


Breast Cancer Care

We love time supporting Breast Cancer Care by way of hosting countless fundraisers and events across our bars & restaurants. In addition to this, every February and October, our executive Head Chef, Rob Mitchell, creates a spectacular dish that features on all our specials menus for the whole month. £1 from each dish sold goes directly to BCC, ensuring it gets all the D&M love it deserves.

On the subject of cancer care, our annual attempt at Race for Life is coming up this weekend. Around 30 D&M ladies take part and the boys come along to cheer us on with a glass of bubbles at the finish line – check out our Just Giving page.

Movember D&M_Fotor_Collage


Movember is a foundation that’s as much fun as it is worthwhile. Every Movember our Mo Bro’s join in on the month long moustache-a-thon to raise awareness and money for prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s mental health issues. The men’s health movement has raised £402 million since 2003 – that’s quite an achievement! We’re always trying to spice up ways of supporting men’s health. Email for details on all the fun things we do to support them.



For Drake & Morgan, Pennies and Mencap go hand in hand. As one of our leading charities, Pennies donations are sent to Mencap regularly throughout the year. These donations help people with learning disabilities, supporting them witheverything from getting a job to finding somewhere to live. Over 1 million people in the UK have learning disabilities, and they deserve every bit as much of an opportunity as the rest of us. So next time you join us, you could be helping this wonderful cause.


Shelter From The Storm

The newest addition to the Drake & Morgan family, Shelter From The Storm receives no government funding so it solely relies on donations. It’s a stone’s throw away from Drake & Morgan at King’s Cross and therefore it’s their sole Pennies beneficiary. Shelter From The Storm care for up to 44 homeless men and women every night, 365 days of the year, without a penny from the government – now that’s quite an achievement.


Water Aid

With the help of our partners at Belu water, all the proceeds from our filtered tap water goes directly to Water Aid. So, at Drake & Morgan at King’s Cross all you have to do to give to Water Aid is drink water… seems like a no brainer to us.

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