Our January Survival Guide

On 26th January 2016

Change is always a good thing, but can seem really daunting especially at this time of year. Instead of setting huge tasks for yourself, we’ve gone the other way and  come up with some simple, easy ways to add a bit more balance to your day. Science tells us a new habit takes 21 days to create so what better time than now to work on yourself a little bit.

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1. Keep screens out of your bedroom – This probably means you’ll need to buy an alarm clock but that blue glow on your phone keeps you awake and connected in the place where switching off is most important

2. Spend 30 minutes outside every day – Fresh air has a way of rejuvenating us like nothing else. Get off the bus a stop early and walk the rest of the way or go sit in a park near the office during lunch to reap the benefits.

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3. Drink an extra glass of water a day – Most of us probably aren’t drinking 8 glasses a day but try and sneak one more in, your body will thank you.

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4. Do a digital detox – Breaking the smartphone habit is a tough one, especially in today’s ever-connected world. Click here for details on a 7 day digital detox to help you and your phone find balance


5. Watch a TED talk every Monday – TED talks are great for expanding your horizons and learning more about the world around you. There’s a huge range of subjects and they last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour.


6. Explore your neighbourhood –  Try the new coffee place or restaurant you’ve been meaning to check out. It’ll help make you feel more connected to your area and to your city. 


7. Read a book, whether its on your Kindle or off the shelves of your local charity shop


8. Every month, call an old friend and reconnect


9. Moisturise every day – your skin and your future self will thank you. Use something with a SPF for extra gold stars. 


10. Buy a plant and take good care of it – Succulents like Aloe Vera are an easy place to start and will make your living space instantly brighter.


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